Chien Jack Russell Terrier CH. bjÖrsÄtters Peer gynt
Informations sur le chien
- Sexe
- Né le 01/01/1800
225 an et 2 mois
Les parents

CH. kanix Speed wagon
Grand père

CH. beaconway Scotch n coke
Grand mère

CH. Future of noescha's inspiration

saltisgardens Jazz for joy
Grand père

CH. inverbrae John of gaunt
Grand mère

CH. Macbreadly Dark victory
Pédigree de CH. bjÖrsÄtters Peer gynt
Ses récompenses
Hungarian Champion
Nordic Champion (SE+DK+NO)
German Champion (VDH+KFT)
International Champion
Norwegian Winner-07
Swedish Winner-08
European Winner-08
No 1. Jack Russell of the year-07
Nordic Champion (SE+DK+NO)
German Champion (VDH+KFT)
International Champion
Norwegian Winner-07
Swedish Winner-08
European Winner-08
No 1. Jack Russell of the year-07
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