Chien West Highland White Terrier CH. Karamynd Guns with roses

Informations sur le chien

  • Sexe


  • Né le 19/09/2008

    16 an et 0 mois

  • Inscrit au Livre d'origine


  • N° d'origine

    KC AJ04501203

Les parents

CH. Karamynd Play the game
CH. Karamynd Play the game
Grand père
CH. Bournehaven Birthday guy
CH. Bournehaven Birthday guy
Grand mère
Karamynd Play to the crown
CH. Karamynd Lilac wine
Grand père
CH. Karamynd High as a kite
Grand mère
Krisma Trouble in mind
Pédigree de CH. Karamynd Guns with roses
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