Publication : Rothorm Jy Dream

Chien Cane Corso CH. Demon (Sans Affixe)

Rothorm Jy Dream

Le mot de l'éleveur

Allevatore: Mr. Luigi Di Rienzo

Thank you very much to Luigi for let me own the most wonderful Cane Corso I never owned. Demon was my dream made real. I am sure I will never will have a Cane Corso like him. We miss you a lot.

Demon "was killed" by his handler the 15/07/2005. Returning from the World Dog Show of Argentina the "handler" put him (with other dogs) inside a van completly close. It was 34º outside.... we and our vet has calcul that it was 60/70º inside. Demon died of a hot shock. He was putted there for a travel of 600km (Madrid to Barcelona). In the desesperation, he has broke his box.

It is necessary to be very sure about who is a handler (a person that will show your dog, but also will take care about him) and who is only a person who pretend to show dogs.

Informations sur le chien

  • Sexe


  • Né le 14/06/2002

    22 an et 9 mois

  • Couleur

    Noir bringe. Breeder: Luigi Di Rienzo, Valle Dei Lord Kennels

Propriétaire et producteur

  • Site du propriétaire
    Rothorm Jy Dream
  • Lieu


  • Infos complémentaires

    Chien décédé  

Les parents

CH. Bayron del dyrium
CH. Bayron del dyrium
Grand père
CH. Quasar del dyrium
CH. Quasar del dyrium
Grand mère
Ada (Sans Affixe)
Moira (Sans Affixe)
Grand père
CH. Bayron del dyrium
CH. Bayron del dyrium
Grand mère
Brenda (Sans Affixe)
Pédigree de CH. Demon (Sans Affixe)

Ses titres

  • Champion d' Espagne
  • Champion du Portugal
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