Auteur : Amber Jade Aanensen

Chien Berger Australien CH. lk michigan Journey through fire at airam

Informations sur le chien

  • Sexe


  • Né le 01/01/1800

    225 an et 0 mois

  • Inscrit au Livre d'origine


  • N° d'origine


Les parents

CH. treestarr Rmzcrk's i'm on fire
CH. treestarr Rmzcrk's i'm on fire
Grand père
CH. broadways Blaze of glory
CH. broadways Blaze of glory
Grand mère
CH. mcmatt's Too good to be blue
CH. mcmatt's Too good to be blue
CH. bayouland's Don't stop believing
CH. bayouland's Don't stop believing
Grand père
CH. crofton Hide and seek
CH. crofton Hide and seek
Grand mère
CH. bayouland's Hug me forever
CH. bayouland's Hug me forever
Pédigree de CH. lk michigan Journey through fire at airam
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