Chien Dobermann focus cromwell cracker
Not The Name I Wanted Le mot de l'éleveur
Focus viens de Roumanie est issue de le beau etalon Ch Oscar z Padoku x Ch Focus Whole Lotta Love. C'est un chien qui a maintenant 5 ans, un vrai chien complet ! Il as passer son Brevet de Ring a tout juste 12 mois et il as fait de Ring 1. Il travail maintenant en IGP 3 Il a passer ses tests DCF , TAN, TC et son ZTP V1A En beauté il n'est pas mal non plus. Jeune Champion de France en 2016 et Dobermann Club de France Jeune Sieger ! Focus as un super caractère avec tout personnes et tout chien, males et femelles - aucun agressivité ...que envie de jouer !! A 16 mois il a remporté son premier CACs, CACIB et Meilleur de Race dans un 'Spéciale' Dobermann. Ses testes de santé son effectuée, HD : A, PHPTVL : Indemne, Genetic Identification. Vwd : Porteur, donc que disponible pour saillir avec des femelles non-porteur et qui ont eu eux aussi les tests.! De preference aussi les chiennes tester avec VGL pour essayer d'ajouter la diversité dans le race Dobermann !
Focus comes from Romania and is a product of the super Ch Oscar z Padoku x jCh Focus Whole Lotta Love Focus is a dog, who loves to work. He is a truly 'complete' dog, he passed his 'French Work Certificate' (Brevet de Ring) at just 12 months and is compete at Ring 1. He is currently working IGP 3 and continues in his very reliable manner. He has passed his French Character Tests, TAN TC and has his ZTP V1A He has a super character towards people and dogs ...male and female. He is not aggressive in anyway towards other dogs !
Showing wise he isn't too bad either. He is Young French Champion 2016 and French Dobermann Club Young Sieger. At 16 months he gained his first CACs, CACIB and Best of Breed in a Dobermann Special. His health tests are complete : HD 1, Eyes, Clear, Genetic ID, Vwd : Carrier, so is only available for stud to females who are Vwd Clear ! He is available for stud to selected females who have completed their respective Health Tests. Prefence given to females who have been tested via VGL to try to find suitable male/female combinations who can add diversity to the Dobermann breed.
Focus comes from Romania and is a product of the super Ch Oscar z Padoku x jCh Focus Whole Lotta Love Focus is a dog, who loves to work. He is a truly 'complete' dog, he passed his 'French Work Certificate' (Brevet de Ring) at just 12 months and is compete at Ring 1. He is currently working IGP 3 and continues in his very reliable manner. He has passed his French Character Tests, TAN TC and has his ZTP V1A He has a super character towards people and dogs ...male and female. He is not aggressive in anyway towards other dogs !
Showing wise he isn't too bad either. He is Young French Champion 2016 and French Dobermann Club Young Sieger. At 16 months he gained his first CACs, CACIB and Best of Breed in a Dobermann Special. His health tests are complete : HD 1, Eyes, Clear, Genetic ID, Vwd : Carrier, so is only available for stud to females who are Vwd Clear ! He is available for stud to selected females who have completed their respective Health Tests. Prefence given to females who have been tested via VGL to try to find suitable male/female combinations who can add diversity to the Dobermann breed.
Informations sur le chien
- Sexe
- Né le 04/06/2015
9 an et 9 mois
- Couleur
Noir et Feu
- Puce
Dysplasie Coxo-femorale - ADepistage Oculaires - IndemneID Genetic - Effectuer
Propriétaire et producteur
- Site du propriétaireNot The Name I Wanted
- Lieu
24 - Dordogne
Les parents

CH. Oscar z padoku
Grand père

CH. yacheero's Pando pandero
Grand mère
ak yar Raya

CH. focus Whole lotta love
Grand père

CH. pride of russia Kaspij
Grand mère

focus Reggae rules
Pédigree de focus cromwell cracker
Pédigrée n°1
Ses titres
- Jeune Champion de France 2016
- Dobermann Club de France Jeune DCF Sieger 2016
- TAN, TAT, TC Brevet de Ring, Ring 1, ZTP V1A, Cert RCI, IGP 3
Ses récompenses
Nantes CACIB 2015 : 1er TP Meilleur Puppy
Angers CACIB 2016 : 1er Exc Meilleur Jeune
Regionale Elevage 2016, Grossouvre : 1er Exc, Meilleur Debutant : Juge : Attilo Polifrone
Nationale d'Elevage DCF 2016, Fontainebleau : 1er Exc, : Jeune Champion de France Juge : J Lemmeke
Cognac CACS Speciale 2016, 1er Exc, Meilleur Jeune
Regionale Elevage 2016, Strasbourg : 1er Exc, Meilleur Jeune
Orleans CACIB, Speciale : 1er Excellent Classe Intermediare, CACS, CACIB, Meilleur de Race
Le Mans, CACS, 1er Exc, Classe Intermediare, RCACS
Nantes CACS 2016, Speciale 1er Exc, Classe Intermediare, RCACS
Nantes CACIB 2016 Specale , 1er Exc, Classe Intermediare, Rcacs RCACIB : Juge : Andi Hudono
Bordeaux CACIB 2017, 1er Exc, Classe Intermédiaire, Rcacs, Rcacib
Jarnac CACS Special 2017, 1er Exc, Classe Travail, CACS et BOS
Maltot CACS 2017, 1er Exc, Classe Travail, CACS et BOB (Meilleur de Race)
Nantes CACIB 2018, 1 er Exc, classe Travail, CACS CABIB et BOB (Meilleur de Race)
Trelaze : Cert RCI : 93/80/87
Feb 2018 : Regionale d'Elevage DCF : 1er Classe Ouvert, Exc et CACC
Nantes Dec 2018 : CACIB Speciale Dobermann : 1er Exc CACS, CACIB et BOS
Angers CACIB 2016 : 1er Exc Meilleur Jeune
Regionale Elevage 2016, Grossouvre : 1er Exc, Meilleur Debutant : Juge : Attilo Polifrone
Nationale d'Elevage DCF 2016, Fontainebleau : 1er Exc, : Jeune Champion de France Juge : J Lemmeke
Cognac CACS Speciale 2016, 1er Exc, Meilleur Jeune
Regionale Elevage 2016, Strasbourg : 1er Exc, Meilleur Jeune
Orleans CACIB, Speciale : 1er Excellent Classe Intermediare, CACS, CACIB, Meilleur de Race
Le Mans, CACS, 1er Exc, Classe Intermediare, RCACS
Nantes CACS 2016, Speciale 1er Exc, Classe Intermediare, RCACS
Nantes CACIB 2016 Specale , 1er Exc, Classe Intermediare, Rcacs RCACIB : Juge : Andi Hudono
Bordeaux CACIB 2017, 1er Exc, Classe Intermédiaire, Rcacs, Rcacib
Jarnac CACS Special 2017, 1er Exc, Classe Travail, CACS et BOS
Maltot CACS 2017, 1er Exc, Classe Travail, CACS et BOB (Meilleur de Race)
Nantes CACIB 2018, 1 er Exc, classe Travail, CACS CABIB et BOB (Meilleur de Race)
Trelaze : Cert RCI : 93/80/87
Feb 2018 : Regionale d'Elevage DCF : 1er Classe Ouvert, Exc et CACC
Nantes Dec 2018 : CACIB Speciale Dobermann : 1er Exc CACS, CACIB et BOS
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